Perhaps you have heard the stories about men who took male enhancement pills and ended up with a bigger penis than women knew what to do with, which is why you are reluctant to try one of the most effective ways to enlarge your penis.
Honestly speaking, some men have ended up increasing their penis size so much that it does change the way they can have sex with the women that they are with and believe it or not this is a good thing.
When your penis is too small for the most part there isn't too much you can to with a woman that is going to hurt her when the two of you are having sex.
Unfortunately a lot of times it also mean that there isn't too much you can do that is going to please her sexually with your penis as well.
It is almost as if you are stuck in some kind of indifference zone with women and most women aren't going to tell you because even now just by reading this you might have had your feelings if not your ego bruised and hurt.
However, once you begin using a good male enhancement pill to enlarge your penis and you as well as the woman you are with begin noticing the results there can be that brief adjustment period as you can no longer afford to go in there and do whatever you want.
The good news is that once you learn how to control your bigger penis there are so many different ways that you can bring her pleasure that you will be glad you overcame your fear of having a penis that was too big and took the steps you know you needed to take in order to have the kind of penis size that both you and the women that you are with want.
How small is a small penis
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