It has become very difficult to decide which penis enlargement product to try, with so many available today. I guess the most popular are the enlargement capsules, because they are usually made of natural ingredients. Buy why is Extagen the most popular among hundreds of various capsules available today? I will try to discuss this in my version of Extagen review.
The first reason has to be thousands upon thousands satisfied customers. Men and women around the world. The second reason is definitely the fact that the capsules are FDA approved and there have not been reported any side effects. This is due to the fact that the capsules are made from all natural herbal ingredients.
What separates them from other pills is also the daily dosage. Most penis enlargement pills have to be taken three times a day and with Extagen you take just one a day in the morning and forget about them for the day.
How long does it take to see desired results? In my experience, I have begun to notice any visual results in just a couple of weeks, as did a majority of men. Others report 1- 2 months. As long as you don't stop taking them before you any effects, you should be fine. The manufacturers offer a three month money back guarantee, which is another positive aspect of these capsules. With a solid promise like this, I knew I had nothing to lose.
I have been taking the capsules for around six months now and I have gained the desired length and girth (overall in these six months three and a half inches in length and an inch in girth). My sex life improved also.
I was a little hesitant before buying them for the first time, because they are a bit pricy. But I saved quite a bit of money, because I bought a six months supply. The thing I don't know is will my penis size decrease if I stop taking them. I will buy another six months supply and then stop to see, if the size remains the same.
Will Extagen work for you? There is no way I can guarantee you that it will. But it worked for me. And I have a better life now, because I finally have the confidence I never had before.
Penis extender routine
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