I have a small penis. This is not a disease or a curse, but it does affect my self esteem and lowers my confidence. It is almost like having side effects to a condition. For sure having a small penis can impact on ones emotional state. Thankfully my girlfriend no longer calls me names. Although sometimes she refers to me as Wee Wee Herman, but she does this out of love not maliciousness.
I have been adversely affected by my petite appendage. I will never forget when I first discovered I was less than average down below. I was in the 9th grade. A group of us boys went swimming in the community pool. Afterward we had to shower. Normally we would shower in our swimwear. But not this time. Big John decided to remove his soaked trunks. He dropped it on the floor and pranced around - the big show off. There he was, butt naked with his long John dangling under the pulsating spray of water.
Like a domino affect, the whole group followed suit. One by one, each boy stripped nude and showered unabashedly. I was the only one still in my swimwear. I looked around at each guy and couldn't help but notice, they were all bigger than me. I knew what would happen if I exposed myself. And I wasn't prepared to endure the unrelenting teasing that would surely follow.
I made up a crazy excuse and ran out the shower like a speed racer on steroids. I had never dressed so fast in my life. When I arrived home, I took off all my clothes and stood in front of the mirror. I stared at my little one. I visualized Big John's long penis. In my mind, I saw the other guy's private parts. Then I looked at my tiny wee wee again. By comparison I was Wee Wee Herman. I almost cried.
So there you have it. I had the smallest penis in the room. This stayed in my mind for years. I became very self conscious. So much so, I became an expert on concealing my small penis. Even to the point of avoiding sex. In fact, I was a virgin until college.
How has this affected me? I found myself always dwelling on my small penis. I am constantly second guessing my sexual abilities. And even worse my confidence level is shaky. It would only take is one disparaging remark and I could go into a state depression.
The time is coming that I will have to do something about my short comings. I want to turn my below average to up and beyond average. I am very much interested in natural male enhancements. It is time to take action. No more talk. I know I have a small penis but in the future, I will have a large one.
Want a big penis
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