Thursday, January 30, 2014

Get Your Enlarge Penis. Do You Know This AMAZING Anatomical Fact About Your Penis That Is the Key To Making It MUCH LONGER?

Get Your Enlarge Penis

If you are anything like the majority of men out there, then dreams of having a bigger penis have probably been plaguing your mind for a while now. Regardless of how big your current penis size might be, you are probably thinking that it could still be better. If this is the case, then you should definitely look into Get Your Enlarge Penis to get what you want.

Somehow they don't teach what I'm about to tell you in high school biology class. In fact, they don't teach it in college level biology classes either and I don't understand why!

They don't teach it in sex education classes either - and again, I don't understand why!

It seems like it would be one of the most important things to tell a guy and the women in the class would totally fascinated as well.

My friends in fact always think I'm kidding them at first when I tell them this amazing anatomical fact - but it IS true.

See also: Get Your Enlarge Penis

HALF of the human male penis is actually found INSIDE the body.

Do you believe me?

I swear, it's true!!

What you currently think of as your penis is actually only half of your penis. The other half curves up inside the body and attaches to the pubic bone by a thick ligament called the "suspensory ligament." The suspensory ligament is actually a bundle of densely wound fibers. The overall shape of the penis is similar to a boomerang - Aussies seem to find this particular part fascinating.

What's even MORE AMAZING about this anatomical fact is that you can use this to your advantage if you want to lengthen your penis - and it's really quite easy to do.

For centuries, this fact was over-looked in penis enlargement techniques. Techniques like jelqing don't utilize this fact at all. It wasn't until modern science started doing actual research into the subject of penis enlargement that it was discovered that you could actually get some of this inner portion of the penis to come to the outside. The results can be rather astonishing.

This has already been done for decades through penis lengthening surgery. The surgeon cuts the ligament and thus frees part of the inner portion of the penis to drop down. However, the problem with this surgical technique (besides it being astronomically expensive and not covered by insurance) is that if you actually CUT the ligament the penis detaches from the pubic bone and loses its anchor. This makes the penis lose which makes sex really awkward to near impossible.

In the last few years, scientists have discovered that you don't have to actually CUT this ligament to release some of the inner penis to the outside. You can instead gently stretch the ligament.

This stretching of the ligament allows some of the inner penis to drop down but it also allows the penis to remain firmly attached to the pubic bone and not lose its anchor.


You get a significantly longer penis and you don't affect your ability to have sex at all - in fact, you'll have MUCH BETTER SEX!

To learn every detail of this technique, you need video so you can SEE how it's done. You also need a complete penis exercise program to go along with this technique so you can expand your tunica, the outer covering of the outer penis, to allow the inner penis room to drop down. I'm sure you'll also want to increase your girth.

Most men who complete this type of penis exercise program (it takes about 6 weeks) report a gain of at least 2 inches in length and at least an inch in girth. Some report much more and this depends in part on how your penis is attached to the pubic bone.

However, you should note that many of the popular penis exercise programs do not include this advanced technique so you should be aware of this when reviewing any program. Since it is by far the most effective of all the techniques available today, I highly recommend you get a penis exercise program that includes it.

See also: Get Your Enlarge Penis

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