Everybody has burning sex questions, yet they are often too embarrassed to ask. Here are answers to How can my penis grow - no blushing needed.
Is it possible to enlarge your penis without pills, without surgery? Yes, and you can do so using nothing other than your hand.
This is by far the safest, quickest & most effective way to increase your penis size because it depends on the use of your own body.
The reason why this is a 'very little' used method is because the mainstream media has convinced us to believe that we need pills, creams, and devices among other products to enlarge the penis, which leaves many guys discouraged after they've tried these "quick fixes" that fail them over and over again.
The reason pills and objects do not work is because they are working against the natural function of your body. Your penis is apart of your body, and if you want to make it "bigger" you must exercise it, just as you would your chest if you wanted bigger pecks.
See also: How can my penis growAlthough the penis is not a "muscle", it's size can be increased with increased blood flow throughout the penis. Your penis has two tubes, or chambers inside that becomes filled with blood when you get an erection.
These chambers can only hold so much blood, and when they are full, you have your normal size erection & penis size.
Simple exercises allows the chambers inside the penis to increase in size and hold more blood resulting in a bigger, fuller, larger penis size and erection.
When these exercises are performed over time, the chambers inside your penis are able to receive more blood, and sends signals to your brain to increase the size of the organ.
This is the most efficient & natural way to enlarge your penis without pills without surgery, and you can increase your penis length & girth in as little as two weeks.
See also: How can my penis grow
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