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Penis exercise is a very effective way of adding size to your penis. You can easily add 2-3 inches to the length of your penis and 1-2 inches to the girth of penis. For many men, this will actually more than double the overall size (volume wise) of their penis.
Unlike bogus "penis pills" and equally ineffective and over-hyped penis extenders, there are very sound scientific principles at work in penis exercise. However, not every penis exercise program provides the proper instructions or the most effective exercises so you have to be selective in picking the right program.
Regarding penis length, you want to find a program that gives very specific instructions on how to stretch the "suspensory ligament." The suspensory ligament is the very dense bundle of "fibers" that attach the inner portion of your penis to the pubic bone. Most men do not realize that approximately 1/2 of their penis is actually located on the inside of their body which you don't see when you look in the mirror. The purpose of the suspensory ligament stretching exercises is to gently and permanently stretch the suspensory ligament so that some of the inner portion of your penis can come to the outside. For all practical purposes, this will provide you with a longer penis. You will be able to engage in deeper penetration and more sexual positions.
In penis lengthening surgery, the suspensory ligament is actually severed or partially severed with the same idea of allowing some of the inner penis to come to the outside. However, this surgery has many drawbacks, the worst of which can make it impossible or at least very awkward to have sex. This is because if the suspensory ligament does not remain firmly attached to the pubic bone, your penis will become lose at the base. For this reason, I do not recommend even considering this type of surgery, even if you can afford the astronomical price tag (insurance does not cover it as it is classified as cosmetic surgery). Plus, you can achieve the same effect of getting a portion of your inner penis to come to the outside with exercise.
See also: Penis enlargement supplimentsThe penis exercise program you select also needs to provide you with precise information on how to first stretch your tunica, the outer covering of the penis to make room for some of the inner penis to come to the outside.
Regarding penis girth, the program you select could give you very precise instructions on how may reps to do and how long you should rest in between reps. Most programs do not provide this detail and many men end up over-doing it which can actually hurt your efforts as it does not allow the cells in the cavernosa to rebuild and enlarge.
Another important consideration when selecting a penis exercise program is to make sure they provide video instruction in addition to written instruction. For some exercises, it is important to do them exactly correctly or you will not achieve any gains and video is a much better way of showing you how to do it precisely correctly. You definitely want a written guide too but for the best results, you should also get accompanying video.
There is one benefit to penis exercise that I've noticed many programs ever mention and the ones that do seem to do so almost as an after thought. However, I consider it to be a bigger advantage than growing your penis is size. Penis exercise increases sexual stamina. Most men find after completing a program that they can last more than three times longer in bed than they ever did before. In fact, men in the 40's and 50's often report having more stamina than when they were in their 20's.
See also: Penis enlargement suppliments
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